Tom is long distances cyclist, he is now to embark on his most challenging objective.
He is to cycle across the US from the Pacific and to the Atlantic. The complete journey wil take 11 weeks and conclude at the Arlington Cemetery near Washington DC. The aim of the trip is to raise funds for the vets from both the US and UK Armed Forces injured as a result of the conflict in Afganistan.
The story behind this trip and the trip itself is best viewed by going to the following link.
In many ways the journey started yesterday with the launch of the website on the 11th of November, Armistice Day in the UK and Veterans Day in the US. It was on this day that Radio Oxford Interviewed Tom about the trip and the charity that he has formed.
I was keen to photograph the interview and share with viewers of this blog the story.
The photography posed its own problems, the radio station was quite happy for me to take photographs (many thanks Radio Oxford) but as the interview was live silence was paramount Also the studio had not the best of light plus being painted in a crimson colour all the photos came with a red colour cast.
All the photographs were taken in the RAW format with the ISO set 1600.
The RAW files could be first colour corrected, but this was always going to be an issue given the red cast dictated by the studio colours. The noise on the files removed via Adobe RAW processing.
But who are the characters here, in addition to Tom we have the reporter, he did a great job interviewing, live and with great skill. So it seems only fair to include a shot of Malcolm Boyden. Here I was able to look over the shoulder of Tom to get the shot of Malcolm, almost peering into the soul of Tom.
But, ultimately the shoot and the interview was about Tom, the project and the wounded from the war, so finally a shot of Tom. I liked the way that the black and white tone suited the day and the journalistic nature of the interview.
More about this on the video link.
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